
What is geography?

what is geography?

 As everybody know that geography is a science about the earth; environment.
But there are something people may don't know that geo also has 2 types.
The first one is human geography and physical geo. Human geography concerns the understanding of the dynamics of cultures, societies and economies, and physical geography concerns the understanding of the dynamics of physical landscapes and the environment, so there were some people say that the geo is a social sciences, I may say yes, because as my mind, I think the geography is a way to know the human history and the history of the earth and other way

why we studying gergraphy?

 the geo also is a way to build sciences, for example physics and biology both of them is basic on the geography. I think it is why my school teach us geo, and as I know there not only our school, there are other school also think the geography is a way to enlighten students.
Anyways the contribution of geography to society is multifold: it can provides people with a better understanding of the place; regions and countries in which they live. Geography manages the place of the earth as a city manager and It further adds the spatial and integrative dimension and holistic perspective to various planning, forecasting and decision making processes.